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Friday, May 10, 2024

An Adolescent's Affecting Story Recalled


"When I think about it now, it wasn't too bad, after all.

Worst things happened in 1958. In actual fact, I am a specialist when it comes to feeling compassion. I still can't forget that terrible story about Laika, the poor Eskimo dog in Sputnik 2, who was so brave while there was still some food left inside the rocket.

But what happened after that? Did she starve to death?

Just think of that!!

From My Life As A Dog

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Remembering the Distinctive Voice of Paul Auster


From New York Trilogy-1985

"Every life is inexplicable, I keep telling myself.

No matter how many facts are told, no matter how many details are given, the essential thing resists telling.

To say that so and so was born here and went there, that he did this and did that, that he married this woman and had these children, that he lived, that he died, that he left behind these books or this battle or that bridge .... none of that tells us very much."

Paul Auster [1947-2024] 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

The 'Politics of Movement' 2024



By Harry Cummins

Nearly 40 years ago, working on a profile for Boxing Scene magazine, I sat down with the celebrated prize fighter Archie Moore in his hotel suite and asked the knockout king of all-time to peer into his crystal ball and fortell the future of the human race.

 His brief response remains one of the more prophetic utterances I have ever heard, reanimated and remembered daily after all these years.

When asked in 1986 what he viewed as the most pressing problem worldwide he responded: " I am very concerned with the plight of the homeless," replied the former Light Heavyweight Champion of the world.  

"Right now I'm working with HUD to find suitable low cost housing for the disadvantaged. Thru poverty and wars, the world has evolved into what I describe as the politics of movement. It is a problem that I fear won't go away soon."

Archie Moore died 12 years later in 1998 at the age of 84.

We all remain on this world's Jericho Road... reminded of Archie's unabated divination while still deciding who is our neighbor. 

Monday, January 8, 2024

Final Stop On Road to 5,000


     Washington Huskies QB Michael Penix Jr needs 352 passing yards tonight in the much anticipated National Championship matchup vs. Michigan to reach the rare milestone of 5,000 passing yards in a single season.

     Will he get it?

     Over or under?


Sunday, January 7, 2024

New Year, New Car, New Contributions

After barely contributing in 2023 (I don't think I did), I thought I'd let you know what's going on with me. 

I'm still living in Eugene, married to my sweet wife for almost eight years and together for close to 23 years, still with locally-owned and operated KKNX, Eugene's ONLY Classic Hits radio station (Beavers and Eugene Challengers American Legion baseball station, too) and KEED, Eugene's ONLY Classic Country radio station and KORE Fox Sports Eugene, Eugene's #1 sports station and the Blazers and Chargers radio affiliates in the area.

I'm still doing freelance radio sports play-by-play and am the Public Address Announcer for my high school alma mater, Churchill High School in Eugene. I’m doing football, volleyball, girls and boys basketball plus some baseball if I'm not at work running a Beavers game.

This summer will mark my ninth season as the Eugene Challengers play-by-play radio voice and will continue my role as the Public Address Announcer at home games unless I'm broadcasting a game. Games can be heard on KKNX in Eugene (FM 105.1/AM 840) and It will be the 14th season of games on KKNX, one of just a handful of radio stations in Oregon that carry local American Legion baseball games (Eugene, Roseburg, The Dalles and Florence). 

Also this summer, it's my 50-year class reunion. I'm planning on attending the Churchill class reunion and the Class of 1974 reunion for Crater High School in Central Point, near Medford. Before moving to Eugene originally in 1970, I attended Central Point schools from the first through eighth grade and stay in touch with many of the people I grew up with, some since the first grade back in 1962. Basically, it's anybody and everybody I grew up with. It's going to be a fun summer. 

On the subject of people NOT using turn signals while driving, my wife and I drove to Roseburg to eat at the closest In 'n' Out restaurant to Eugene in our new car, a 2024 Volkswagen Tiguan that we've had since Friday (yep, two days). Our previous car, an '18 Hyundai Tucson, decided not to be as dependable as it used to be. Anyway, it must be an epidemic that A) people need to learn to use those turn signals. There is a law that says you have to use those when turning right or left. B) Please quit leaving car-length gaps behind cars when you're waiting at a stop sign, traffic signal or at your favorite coffee stand. I've never been able to figure out why people do this nowadays. C) The speed limit on most Oregon freeways is 65 mph. Some locations it's 60 and on some other sections it's 55. Quit going 85 in a 65 mph zone. There are reasons speed limits are established, mostly for safety reasons. 

I welcome your comments also. I don't go off on rants very often so please excuse me if I came off as complaining. I'm a pretty friendly person who really wants to stay that way. 

Thanks for your friendship. I'll do my best to contribute more in 2024. Have a great week. Happy New Year!

 By Gregory Crawford, Founder of Craw's Corner

CLIMATE CHANGE: I personally am in no way the Denier of climate change. However after living in the Portland, Oregon area for 8 decades, I can verify and sustain the fact, out summers might be a little warmer, but our winters at least in the past 50 years, along with fall and spring have pretty much remained the same.

While each season might be a little different over time, the consistency remains the same. Does this tell us anything scientifically, I will let others tell us and weigh in.

OVERTIME---Speaking of overtime, I do like the idea that the icon Jon Spoelstra talks about when it comes to basketball overtimes. If not the first overtime, the second if needed for sure, (first team to 5 points wins.) Benefits of this change, much more exciting, defense really comes into play and if you really study overtimes, they are poorly played and at times very poorly officiated. Shorten them and you have a better product.

TURN SIGNALS---I would like two introduce you all to  a new concept in driving cars, Turn Signals. If you turn right, push upward, if you turn left push downward. I know this is new to most of you, but like everything else, go out in the driveway and practice. 

INVENTIONS----- What is the greatest invention in the last 200 years? Love to hear your answers and thank you for reading,